How do I register myself to the scheme?

Step 1: By use of the Mobile Phone USSD short code registration; Dial *202*05# from your Safaricom mobile phone number.
Step 2: Click on membership then Self-Registration
Step 3: Key in your NPS/KPS PF Number and National ID Number when prompted. The details will be verified against our database
Step 4: If successful, you will be prompted to enter your name (surname and other names), role and gender. Once done, you will receive a message confirming your successful registration onto the scheme and a prompt to register dependents.

How do I register my dependants to the scheme?

Step 1: By use of the Mobile Phone USSD short code registration; Dial *202*05# from your Safaricom mobile phone number.
Step 2: Click on membership and select Add Dependent
Step 3: Select the dependant you wish to register i.e. Spouse or Child
Step 4: Enter Date of Birth, Full Name, Gender, Disability Status, ID Number if over 18 years. After successful registration, the member will receive a link to complete the registration process. If not successful, you will need to contact the contact centre for further assistance. Through; 0800724631 / 0730730000

How will I know when my dependents and I have been registered?

After registration on the phone, dial *202*06# for confirming membership. Always register using own phone number as this is the contact through which all scheme operations will be communicated through. You can also visit for details on membership.

Do I need a medical card to access services?

No, you do not need a medical card to access services however you will need to provide your National ID number. Currently members can access services by use of fingerprints verification and OTP.

What happens where Principal members are not updated on PSMS and there’s a communication delay from NPS/KPS Medical Scheme

Ideally members should be registered prior to visiting the hospitals; sensitization and awareness is ongoing to ensure that members and their dependents are registered which will greatly minimize these occurrences however the process of updating the registered members on the PSMS system ideally takes 15 minutes.
Members or the hospital can contact NPS/KPS Medical Scheme through 0800724631 / 0730730000 or send an email to [email protected]

Does the cover cater for my relatives e.g. sister, brother, mother, father and, grandchildren?

The NPS/KPS Medical Scheme medical cover only caters for the principal member, 1(one) legal spouse and a maximum of 5 children either by birth or legally adopted. Proof of birth or adoption should be accompanied by either birth certificates, birth notification or legal adoption papers for the children.

What benefits I’m I entitled to under the NPS/KPS Medical Scheme?

Inpatient (Pre & Post Hospitalization, Psychiatry, Road and Air evacuation, Outpatient, Maternity, Optical and Dental, last funeral expense cover (for principal members only).

Are nutritional supplements covered?

Nutritional supplements are not covered unless prescribed by a doctor with a laboratory report as part of treatment of a deficiency e.g. if a patient is anaemic

What is last funeral expense cover?

This benefit is payable to the next of kin upon the demise of a principle member at a rate of Kenya Shillings Two Hundred Thousand (KShs.200,000/=) and Kenya Shillings Fifty Thousand (KShs.50,000/=) for each declared dependant. Where husband and wife are both principal members under the cover, both will separately benefit from the last expense benefit. The last expense payment shall be made within 48 hours from the time of submission of documents. To access the Funeral Benefit, the following should be availed to NPS/KPS Medical Scheme at the earliest possible convenience;

  • Original or a certified copy of the Burial Permit or Death Certificate
  • ID copy of the next of kin
  • Relationship of claimant to the deceased
  • Telephone number of the next of kin
  • A copy of the ATM card, deposit slip or bank statement of the Next to Kin indicating the account number, the account name, the bank and branch where the account was opened (this is to confirm the account is active).
  • Dully completed NPS/KPS Medical Scheme Bank Details form.

Who is given the last expense benefits?

For a principal member these benefits are provided to the person who is named as the next of kin in and for a dependant it’s provided to the PM. The principal members should therefore state clearly the person they wish their dues to go to, they should include the person’s name, telephone details and bank details where necessary. Members should also confirm these details to their HR.

Why can’t NPS/KPS Medical Scheme medical cover more than one spouse or more children?

These are the scheme rules as set by the employer and this is the practice in the insurance industry.

Can my family access medical services if we live separately?

Yes, all you need to provide them is a member number. This is the number they will present in any of the contracted hospitals. Members can access services from any hospitals within the panel depending on their location and are not restricted to one hospital.

Am I allowed to visit my preferred hospital or doctor?

The medical scheme has a list of appointed panels of service providers who offer credit facilities at agreed and negotiated rates therefore private doctors that are not contracted are not allowed. This list is available by dialling *202*06#, and also on the NPS/KPS Medical Scheme website;

Should I choose to use my own doctor not on the Panel of providers will his/her bills be paid?

The scheme does not have a provision for reimbursement except in case of emergency life threatening situations. NPS/KPS Medical Scheme should also be notified within 24hrs by the member if stable, a relative or the hospital for authorization.

Am I allowed to visit my preferred hospital or doctor?

The medical scheme has a list of appointed panels of service providers who offer credit facilities at agreed and negotiated rates therefore private doctors that are not contracted are not allowed. This list is available by dialling *202*06#, and also on the Teachers Medical Scheme website;

Should I choose to use my own doctor not on the panel of providers will his/her bills be paid?

The scheme does not have a provision for reimbursement except in case of emergency life threatening situations. Teachers Medical Scheme should also be notified within 24hrs by the member if stable, a relative or the hospital for authorization

Can I pay cash and get reimbursed?

The scheme does not allow reimbursement except for emergency life threatening situations or a client is in an area where there are no contracted service providers. NPS/KPS Medical Scheme should also be notified within 24hrs by the member if stable, a relative or the hospital for authorization, the first point of contact is County Scheme Manager – The contact numbers are available per county.

What happens when I visit a hospital for medical services?

The hospital will ask you for a member number to verify your membership, once the number is entered in the system you will either be required to place your fingers in the biometric machine OR a One Time Pin ( OTP) will be sent to the mobile number that was used during registration which you need to provide to the hospital.

What happens when I visit a hospital for medical services?

The hospital will ask you for a member number to verify your membership, once the number is entered in the system you will either be required to place your fingers in the biometric machine OR a One Time Pin ( OTP) will be sent to the mobile number that was used during registration which you need to provide to the hospital.

What happens if my fingerprints do not work?

The hospital will ask you a few questions to ascertain why the fingerprints are mismatching thereafter they will need to contact NPS/KPS Medical Scheme for assistance, the hospital should send an email to [email protected] so that a Member Verification Code (MVC) can be generated for services to be provided. The hospital should send the request when the patient is at the facility and not afterwards. This process should take approximately 45mins, in case of any delays kindly call the contact centre on 0800724631 / 0730730000.

Will my child of two years still be required to use their fingerprint?

For children below 6 years, parents or guardians will use their own unique fingerprints for their children’s access. It is recommended that both parents be available during the fingerprints registration otherwise the hospital can contact NPS/KPS Medical Scheme through [email protected] so that a Member Verification Code (MVC) can be generated for services to be provided or call on 0800724631 / 0730730000.

What happens in case the person is too ill to present their fingers?

The hospital should provide services to the patient and notify NPS/KPS Medical Scheme immediately through [email protected] for Member Verification Code (MVC) generation.

Who do I contact for assistance when I experience challenges at the service providers or in case of an emergency?

First point of contact is NPS/KPS Medical Scheme Call Centre; 0800724631 / 0730730000
Second point of contact is County Scheme Manager – The contact numbers are available per county

Can the referral facilities be accessed directly?

No, the referral facilities are only accessible on referral basis unless of course it’s a life-threatening emergency whereby NPS/KPS Medical Scheme should be notified. The members should access the direct facilities on the panel and if they require specialized care then a referral letter should be issued to allow them access services in a referral facility.

What is required during an admission?

The hospital admitting should inform NPS/KPS Medical Scheme as soon as possible or within 24hrs; a preauthorization should also be requested via PSMS in order for NPS/KPS Medical Scheme to advise and issue an undertaking of the bill. Inpatient bills without authorization are not payable.

If I am admitted on a different insurance cover but it gets exhausted can I use my NPS/KPS Medical Scheme cover to pay for the balance?

For NPS/KPS Medical Scheme to undertake the bills, all admissions must be reported within 24hrs, therefore if you intend to use multiple covers kindly ensure that NPS/KPS Medical Scheme is notified at the point of admission.

How often can a member visit a hospital on outpatient basis?

There are no limitations as to how many times a member can visit a hospital, however it is presumed that it’s unlikely for a member to go back to the same hospital for the same illness within 24 hours unless there was no proper diagnosis and treatment and as such the hospital should not charge again.

Why do I need to be registered with NHIF if I am covered by NPS/KPS Medical Scheme Medical Scheme?

NHIF is a statutory obligation for all Kenyans and is mandated to provide healthcare to all Kenyan contributors. As long as you are employed money will automatically be deducted from your salary to NHIF and for this reason entitled for the benefits offered. This therefore puts you at an advantage of accessing both benefits.

Why do members need to register on the phone?

t ensures that your details are available on the hospital administration system and guarantees services are offered without delay.

Why are clients not given receipts for services rendered?

It is your right to receive receipts to check whether it matches with the services offered. This will ensure that service providers do not misuse your benefits.

Can a retired officer continue enjoying medical services in the scheme until the end of the policy year?

NPS/KPS updates their database monthly hence making it impossible for retired officer to access cover.

Why can’t I access certain service providers?

The service provider panel has been prepared based on the scheme structure which takes into consideration member benefit limits, average cost of care, quality of service, geographical spread, scheme population amongst other actuarial data analysis. Therefore, certain service providers will not be included in the panel but alternatives that offer same quality of care at a more affordable price are included.

What happens when I need emergency evacuation to a hospital?

NPS/KPS Medical Scheme has a dedicated 24hr contact center manned by professionals, in case of emergency where a member requires an ambulance for evacuation, they should call toll free number 0800724631 or 0730730000.

What happens if I am involved in a road accident and not in a position to contact NPS/KPS Medical Scheme?

You will be taken to the nearest service provider for medical care, if in a stable condition NPS/KPS Medical Scheme should be notified, if not the member can pay and visit NPS/KPS Medical Scheme for reimbursements with the original documents such as Abstract for road accidents, original receipts, hospital invoice, a claim form that can be provided at NPS/KPS Medical Scheme and a discharge summary/medical report.

What should I do if I require overseas treatment?

You will contact NPS/KPS Medical Scheme with the medical report indicating the need for overseas treatment. NPS/KPS Medical Scheme will evaluate the request and establish the need for the referral abroad by certifying there is no locally available treatment. This decision is usually guided by the gazette notice from the Ministry of Health on Overseas treatment requirements where public funds are being utilized.